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Face-Painting Designs (1 of 3) (by mim)

Face-Painting Designs (1 of 3)
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After hours of researching (aka surfing the internet) face painting designs I drew a bunch that I felt I would be comfortable attempting to paint myself.  As a result of this researching technique (or lack of technique) I am unable to attribut specific influences to specific designs, but I want to say thank you all the same:  Thanks random internet people whose awesome face-painting skills and designs inspired me!

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Date Uploaded:
 24th February 2012
Date Created:
 19th January 2012
 33 times
 Autobot(1), Batman(1), Fan Art(265), Harry Potter(4), Pirate(2), Pirates Of The Carribean(1), Spiderman(1), Tiger(1), Transformers(1)