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Valiant Cheese (by cheese)

Valiant Cheese
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While watching a Slick Entertainment dev stream on Twitch yesterday, artist Jesse Turner spotted my username (ValiantCheese - I lost Cheeseness when Twitch dropped support for Justin.TV logins) and drew a little sketch of a cheese wheel holding a sword.

It looked great, and to express thanks, I wanted to do a coloured version and share it during the stream. Unfortunately other work kept me busy and I wasn't able to make a start until much later in the day after the stream had ended.

I ended up spending a little longer on it than I'd planned (about 2 hours all up), but I'm really happy with how it came out - especially the "haze" effect on the mountains which I didn't think of until just before I called it finished :)

Posted By:
Image Type:
Date Uploaded:
 1st December 2016
Date Created:
 30th November 2016
 12 times
 Cheese(9), Mountain(8), Sword(1), Vector(143)