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Floating Islands (by cheese)

Floating Islands
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As I've mentioned a few times previously, I tend to sketch things out and finish them up later. I've been throwing 5 minutes at this here and there for the last 6 months, and now it's getting close to somewhere where I'll be happy with it. I'd like to have a go at colouring it in. I feel that the tops need to be grassy, but at this stage, I'm not 100% sure how I'll go about that. This scan is also pretty shoddy. Might be time for a new scanner.

Posted By:
Image Type:
 Work In Progress
Date Uploaded:
 11th September 2010
Date Created:
 5th March 2010
 1 times


On 19th September 2010, mim said...

This picture has had so much effort put into it.  You have so much patience!

Also, did I hear someone mention a new scanner?  Nom nom nom!  ^_^