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Sea Steve Peas 2 (by cheese)

Sea Steve Peas 2
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Drawn from this sketch. The shafts of underwater light were heaps of fun to experiment with. The same elements were used to make the Sea Steve banner image.

I don't know if I'm 100% happy with this one yet (the starfish and crab look great when rendered big, but they're a bit hard to make out, and the sand could maybe do with some work), but I'll call it finished for the moment.

*FYI: There's a short but somewhat uninteresting story about why we call stingrays 'Steves' and you can read it here, if that's what you're into.

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Date Uploaded:
 14th April 2010
Date Created:
 13th April 2010
 5 times
 Loftopus(31), Ocean(10), Pea People(239), Shipwreck(2), Starfish(7), Steve(6), Stingray(3), Under Water(14), Vector(143)