Hi! If you've come via the Monster RPG 2 site or wiki, then welcome! This post talks about why we supported the crowdfunding campaign. If you'd like to know more about us, then the About and Help pages are a good place to start. In short, w... (read more)
Time, it seems, has gotten away from me again, and this blog post is somewhat overdue. Sorry, world. Better late than never though, so here goes...A wonderful thing happened a few weeks back and I have to tell you all about it.One fine Oc... (read more)
I don't normally post about my "Cheesetalks" stuff on here, but I thought I'd make an exception as instead of me talking to other people (or myself), this time it's someone else talking to me!Some of you may recall that I have, from ti... (read more)
I'm covering the AMCI's Game Masters exhibition and related events over on my "Cheese talks to" site. If you've wound up here looking for that, let me point you in the right direction!I'm doing day-by-day summaries up until Saturd... (read more)