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Extra Curricular Loftivities (Other Stuff)


With my hands still slowly improving, I thought I'd have a go at writing a long overdue letter. There's nothing like eighteen months of not using a pen to remind you how bad your handwriting is. As it was, I managed to write a whopping seven pages (something I couldn't possibly have done six months ago).

I've also been doing a little bit of origami, which has been nice and relaxing. The highlights have been a horribly deformed walrus for Mim, and a pink orca (the first time I've ever folded one).

Late last year, I started a Super Secret Project that I can't really talk about (it's not really related, but it's possible that people who shouldn't know yet might be reading, and I don't want to give the surprise away!). Towards the end of February the Super Secret Project evolved into a Super Secret Package that is now trundling on its way somewhere. Last month I put together a little website to go with it, which was my first foray into fiddling with HTML5. An interesting experience, but I can't show it to anybody.

Last month also saw me conquer the whipper snipper (which played a big role in injuring my hands in 2011), and I even started reading a book - the first recreational reading I've done in years. Huzzah!

In addition to giving the TasLUG talk at last month's Launceston meeting, I've also been organising a state-wide TasLUG gathering which will be happening on the 28th of April (exciting stuff!)

Well, I think that's about everything. With AICon and's second birthday thrown into the mix, last month was incredibly full.

Want to know what else I'd been up to at the same time? Astronomusic, Desurium, Cheesetalks

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Date Posted:
 5th April 2012
 1 times
 Injury(5), Life(14), Origami(1), Taslug(2)