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Showing 73 to 76 of 103 posts

cheese Cards, Postcards, T-Shirts and Stickers! - 11th September 2011

Ever wanted to share some of our lovely drawings with your friends and family in card format? If so, then today is your lucky day! We've been looking for a while for a way to get greeting cards, t-shirts and other goodies made up, and we think ... (read more)

mim ZOMG! Fan Art!!! - 23rd August 2011

Two lof bees isn't about showcasing our most fantastically brilliant works of art – rather we upload all our little scribbles in the hopes that someone, somewhere might stumble upon something that makes them smile. At times it can feel a b... (read more)

cheese Got Something To Say? - 23rd August 2011

Recently, I (very quietly) rolled out Disqus based commenting for the site. This lets anybody with an OpenID, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo or Disqus account log in and leave a comment on any of our artwork, comic pages and blog posts. If there&#... (read more)

cheese Why The Humble Indie Bundle Is Great - 7th August 2011

With only 1 day, 15 hours remaining to purchase the Humble Indie Bundle #3, there are three things I'm hoping to achieve with this post: explain what it is, talk about how good the games currently on offer are, and to convince you to take a look... (read more)

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