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cheese's Blog Posts

Showing 61 to 64 of 80 posts

cheese The Girl On The Train - 25th April 2011

Last week we did a bit of travelling, and found ourselves in the inevitable position of having to be in close proximity to someone having an emotionally charged phone call (one of the numerous reasons I believe the benefits of not having a mobile pho... (read more)

cheese Portal Mania (part 1) - 9th April 2011

First up, welcome Portal fans! When we decided to do a few pieces of Portal fan art in the lead up to the release of Portal 2, we had no idea we'd get the attention that's come out way. Thanks to everybody for their kind words and support. ... (read more)

cheese One Year of! - 11th March 2011

Today is doubly exciting for us. Not only has been up and sharing our artwork and scribbles with world for a year, but mim and I have also been sharing our lives for two whole years. By now, our relationship should be walking, talking ... (read more)

cheese AICon 2011 Summary (Part 3 of 3) - 9th March 2011

OK, so. Part 3. These are my thoughts on some of the convention's rough edges. Reading this is even more optional than part 2. If you disagree, that's cool. If you agree, that's also cool. If you want to discuss, then shoot me an email... (read more)

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